Tuesday, January 23, 2007

American Idol Makes Fun of Retards.

Outrageous, isn’t it? I don’t think so. It really shouldn’t be a surprise at this point that Simon Cowell, who has made a nice little fortune being an asshole, continues to be an asshole. That’s his shtick; it works. But now, there are allegations that American Idol’s judges are too mean and they’ve stooped to picking on the mentally challenged. As it turns out, Idol hopeful Jonathan Jayne (who bares a striking resemblance to a certain Colorado native) was a participant in the Special Olympics. He also sucked at singing, and was told so. Ironically, Jayne befriended another hopeful during the audition whom Mr. Cowell affectionately likened to a bush baby. There are two concerns here: Did the judges go too far by criticizing anything but the singing, and are the producers apple-picking freaks to make the show more sensational?

As I recall, the American Idol judges have always been harsh on ambitious, and often delusional, hopefuls. Simon Cowell is particularly known for his snarky remarks about contestants’ appearance and demeanor. Even if a contestant has the voice of an angel, their looks and actions are pertinent to the competition. He didn't mind telling Clay Aiken that he looked like a doofus or that Ruben Studdard could stand to lose a few. This is the quest for the next American Idol, and America expects their Idols to be charismatic. If you look like a freaking marmoset or Eric Cartman and you can’t sing, you don’t have a chance in this competition. And it’s the judges’ (only) job to make that known… over and over again. It’s what the public expects from them. But are they meaner this year? No. The freaks are just freakier and the criticism is fittingly more harsh, which leads to the second issue.

Are the producers seeking out the William Hungs of the world to boost ratings and illicit wacky antics on the set? You’re damned right they are, as well they should be. William Hung’s awful rendition of Ricky Martin’s crappy classic pop ballad could peel paint off the walls. And even if in his delusion he thought he was good enough to compete, the fact is he was a tone-deaf, Hawaiian shirt-wearing, stocky Asian guy with bad teeth and a five-head. His mom should have told him that before he left the house. But he went to the audition, and his heart was shattered on national television… sad story, isn’t it? At least he got to throw water in Simon Cowell’s face… and land an agent... and a record deal. Yeah, I feel real sorry for that guy and for these two new “winners”. I saw them on Kimmel and the Today Show, and when asked what they wanted to do now, they said “some acting and… to be movie stars.” Sounds like they really had their hearts set on singing… or getting rich.

Anyone can audition for American Idol, but only the really good and the really bad will make it to air. I don't feel sorry for these losers who got "offended." They got exactly what they wanted.

What do you think about this latest Idol circus? Feel free to leave comments.

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